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Dr Craig Montgomery

Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine


Practises at: The Duchy Hospital


Personal profile

Dr Montgomery was born and bred in Yorkshire and, moved to the North East to complete his undergraduate medical training, graduating in 2006 from The University of Newcastle Upon Tyne.

He then completed his medical foundation jobs in Durham before moving to New Zealand to work in Dunedin where he consolidated his clinical experience made the career choice to commence anaesthetic training when he moved back to the United Kingdom. Dr Montgomery completed his core anaesthetic training in the North East of England and then completed an Educational Fellowship with Northumbria Foundation Trust and The University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, including completing a post-graduate certificate in Medical Education (PGCert ClinEd) and achieving Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). After this he returned home to Yorkshire to complete his anaesthetic training, including advanced training in pain medicine, principally at the internationally-renowned specialist pain management department at The Leeds Teaching Hospitals. Here, he gained experience in a wide range of pain related conditions and presentation, and mastered a comprehensive range of interventional pain management techniques, including highly specialist neuromodulation techniques and advanced cancer care.

He achieved Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (FRCA) in 2016 and Fellowship of the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FFPMRCA) in 2019 and was added to the GMC Specialist Register in Anaesthesia 2019.

Dr Montgomery was appointed as a Consultant at The Leeds Teaching Hospitals in 2019 and works in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine. Here he works in a multi-disciplinary team managing a comprehensive range of pain related conditions and providing a wide array of services from assessment and advice through to complex interventions. This includes a full range of spinal and other nerve injections, radiofrequency denervation and neuromodulation, including spinal cord stimulation and Reactiv8 multifidus stimulation.

Dr Montgomery works with Harrogate and District Foundation Trust supporting their Living with Pain service, providing specialist medical advice about medications, interventions and complex pain related conditions such as complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). He also works with Leeds Community Healthcare providing spinal interventions such as epidurals for their spinal treatment service for acute sciatica and brachalgia. This includes caudal epidurals, targeted transforaminal injections and cervical epidurals for brachalgia.

He has an interest in medical education and is an Honorary Senior Lecturer with the University of Leeds. He is the National Examination Preparation Lead for the Faculty of Pain Medicine and is a member of their educational subcommittee. He actively supports a large pain medicine research portfolio in Leeds and is an Expert Adviser for NICE and the MHRA. He completed the inaugural post-graduate certificate in Neuromodulation (PGCertNeuromod) at Queen Mary’s at The University of London and is an active member of the Neuromodulation Society of the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Dr Montgomery is committed to professional development and improving standards in medical care, and is the Appraisals Lead for The Centre of Neurosciences at The Leeds Teaching Hospitals. Dr Montgomery has 4 young children which keep him very busy outside of work, and he enjoys running, cycling and the Yorkshire countryside when time allows.

Useful links

Clinical interests

  • Back, neck and sciatica pain
  • Coccydynia
  • Large joint pain
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Complex regional pain syndrome
  • Interventional pain management
  • Neuromodulation

Professional memberships

  • Faculty of Pain Medicine
  • National Neuromodulation Society of United Kingdom and Ireland