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Dr Nicky Mounsey

General Practitioner


Practises at: The Huddersfield Hospital

Dr Nicky Mounsey

Professional Profile

Dr Mounsey trained at Leeds School of Medicine, qualifying in 1996. She trained as a GP in the Halifax/Huddersfield area qualifying as a GP in 2000. She started work at the university health centre in Huddersfield in 2001 and soon became partner in 2003, where she has continued to work until recently, retiring from the practice as senior partner.  During her time at the practice she has been a director of the local federation (involving all Huddersfield GP practices), GP on the LMC (local medical committee) and most recently, remains involved in the leadership team for the Tolson primary care network

She has taken further qualifications in women's health and is a member of the faculty of family planning and sexual health following her diploma, and recognised qualifications for coil and implant insertions. Her main interests are womens health, mental health and general practice. 

Professional Memberships
