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Neck physiotherapy

Shoulder physiotherapy to resolve issues with your neck

Physiotherapy is a highly effective form of physical treatment to help restore, maintain, and improve your overall function and mobility. Physiotherapists are experts in evaluating your movement and can help you maintain an active and independent life through a series of controlled exercises. Physiotherapy can treat a range of joint and muscle problems caused by conditions and injuries, including arthritis and fractures.

Physiotherapy for neck pain is a specialist type of physiotherapy that helps you manage problems with your neck. Neck pain can be caused by your neck becoming locked in an awkward position while sleeping, sitting with bad posture, or an injury directly to your neck or spinal cord. In many cases, neck pain resolves on its own with plenty of rest, but in others, you might need physiotherapy to help reduce pain and stiffness and get back to your normal daily routine. Living with neck pain can make sleeping difficult, and it can often become worse if you can’t find a comfortable position to sleep in. Although traditional painkillers might not help resolve the pain in your neck, a combination of medication and physiotherapy could, allowing you to get a good night’s sleep and regain function in your everyday life.

At Circle Health Group, we have a large network of dedicated physiotherapists who can perform tailored neck physiotherapy for neck pain – building your regime for you, and helping you follow it properly at home and during sessions for the best results. We also have a range of physiotherapy units, gyms, and facilities with cutting-edge equipment across our hospitals to aid your sessions. To find the right physiotherapist for you, or to speak with one of our friendly advisors about physiotherapy for your neck in more detail, call us directly to book an appointment with a physiotherapist today.

The cost of physiotherapy starts from £64 for your first appointment.* This is based on a 45-minute appointment and includes a full assessment and treatment plan.

The cost of follow-up appointments starts from £50.*

The cost of your total physiotherapy treatment will depend on various factors such as your condition, how many sessions you need and what type of treatment you are recommended. Some of our specialist treatments, such as steroid injection therapy, are priced separately, however you will be informed of any additional charges as part of your treatment planning. Your physiotherapist will always discuss your treatment options with you.

*This is a guide price and may vary. You’ll be told the exact cost before you book.

You might need physiotherapy to manage your neck pain if you have any of the following health concerns:

A pinched nerve in your neck

Also known as cervical radiculopathy, this occurs when a nerve in your neck is compressed or irritated where it connects to your spinal cord. This can cause pain that travels into your shoulder or arm, as well as muscle weakness or numbness. A pinched nerve can be painful, but physiotherapy aims to release the trapped nerve and relax the muscle surrounding the nerve, reducing pain and stiffness and helping restore normal function to your neck.

An injury to your neck

A common injury to your neck is whiplash, which happens when your head is suddenly jolted backward or forward during a sudden movement. The muscles and ligaments in your neck become stretched due to whiplash, causing pain and serve neck stiffness. You might struggle to move your head from left to right, and the pain can sometimes radiate down your shoulder. Physiotherapy is a highly effective treatment option for whiplash, helping you make a full recovery.

A neck fracture

Also known as a cervical fracture, this happens when there is a crack or break in one or more of the bones found in your neck. A fractured neck generally occurs through serious injury or violence that involves a direct blow to your neck. If your neck is severely fractured, you might need surgery to repair the damage to the bones in your neck. In less severe cases, you might need a combination of wearing a neck collar or brace for up to six weeks combined with physiotherapy. A neck brace helps support the weight of your head while the bone, muscle, and soft tissue in your neck heal. Physiotherapy helps improve the flexibility of your neck and reduce any pain.

Arthritis of the neck

Also known as cervical spondylosis or wear and tear, this happens when the disks and joints in your neck become worn out with age. Like other forms of arthritis, this causes pain, stiffness, and limited movement in your neck. It can be effectively treated with physiotherapy to reduce stiffness in your neck and strengthen the muscles around the joints.

There are many types of physiotherapy for neck pain, including:

Your physiotherapist will explain which form of treatment is the best for you before they begin building your bespoke treatment plan.

When you choose to go private for physiotherapy with Circle Health Group, you can expect:

  • Flexible appointment times and locations to fit your routine
  • Freedom to choose your hospital and physiotherapist
  • Specialist physiotherapy equipment and imaging facilities at your fingertips
  • Specialist advice and exercises to follow in sessions and at home
  • Tailored services (your physiotherapist will build your programme around your needs)

If you want to know more physiotherapy for neck pain and find out if it's the right treatment for you, call a member of our team directly.

Content reviewed by Circle in-house team in December 2023. Next review due December 2026.
